by We Belong Education | Self Realisation
The power of Self-Awareness. What is the difference between Compulsive Reaction and Conscious Action? Do you know? How does one know if he/she is Responding to the situation rather than Reacting to the situation? The presence or absence of Self-Awareness determines...
by We Belong Education | Self Realisation
We all are unique and perceive life and life events in our own individualistic manner. We consciously or unconsciously follow and are inclined towards an ideology or a philosophical paradigm. These underlying differences, if not addressed, may lead to questions like...
by We Belong Education | Self Realisation
There are times we Self-Realise what is needed of us, but it takes time for us to Embody these realisations in our lives. What comes easy to us, may not be that simple for others. This is when we often ask ourselves questions like: Why can’t they just get this simple...
by We Belong Education | Communication
What are you going to say? or What are you listening for? Observable behaviours do not give us the whole picture. Our observations are driven by the perspectives we already have. Simple observations about a child or an event may not be sufficient. With a commitment to...
by We Belong Education | Uncategorized
In our Behaviour Engagement vs Behaviour Management workshop, we will share a unique 10 step strategy backed by contemporary theoretical perspectives on childhood development. We bring several real-life scenarios to you and create a unique workshop catering for the...
by We Belong Education | Care Workshops
There are several variables that are at play while creating a safe and supportive environment for both the staff and the children. We often focus on the behavioural variables impacting a service. However, in this program we will focus on the phenomena of ‘Reciprocal...
by We Belong Education | Care Workshops
Our program on Social and Emotional Learning Support (SELS) looks at various research on this important topic and run workshops to foster social and emotional competence among the educators and children. This program assists organisations in catering for staff...
by We Belong Education | Care Workshops
This issue is quite popular in the professional development arena and is frequently discussed within organisations. Our approach is distinct from what already exists out there. We critically examine verbal and nonverbal communication and the potential impact of...
by We Belong Education | Care Workshops
The issue of reflection has long been a subject of an ongoing debate. It seems that there are several conflicting perspectives on what reflections and evaluations of educational programs look like, which lead to uncertainty among educators about how best to...
by We Belong Education | Care Workshops
Staff motivation is an area that has been widely discussed in Outside School Hours Care. There could be several factors that lead to a lack of motivation among OSHC staff members. Some are obvious to the staff and some are not. In this workshop, we look at the 3...